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Picotron pretty_printh and ANSI Codes for Colored Logs

October 16, 2024 | Tags: picotron programming

This isn’t a Picotron specific thing, but you can use ANSI escape codes inside printh to make your logs colorful, which can be helpful with debugging.

A demo of Pretty Printh
A demo of Pretty Printh

To set the color, typically you do \033[38;5;<COLOR>m or \033[38;2;<RED>;<GREEN>;<BLUE>m. This sets the foreground color to a color from this chart or an RGB color code (if your terminal supports truecolor).

This just works in Picotron, but you have to do \27 instead of \033. (This is the escape code for ESC, which is 27 in decimal and 033 in octal.)

However, writing ANSI codes by hand is a pain, so I wrote a function to make inserting these codes easier, using a bbcode-like syntax.

function pretty_printh(s)
	s = s
		:gsub("%[fg=(#?%w+)]", function (c)
			if c:find("^%d+$") then
				return string.format("\27[38;5;%sm", c)

			if c:find("^#[%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F]$") then
				return string.format(
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(2, 3)),
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(4, 5)),
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(6, 7))
		:gsub("%[/fg]", "\27[39m")
		:gsub("%[bg=(#?%w+)]", function (c)
			if c:find("^%d+$") then
				return string.format("\27[48;5;%sm", c)

			if c:find("^#[%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F]$") then
				return string.format(
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(2, 3)),
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(4, 5)),
					tonum("0x" .. c:sub(6, 7))
		:gsub("%[/bg]", "\27[49m")
		:gsub("%[u]", "\27[4m")
		:gsub("%[/u]", "\27[24m")
		:gsub("%[b]", "\27[1m")
		:gsub("%[/b]", "\27[22m")
		:gsub("%[i]", "\27[3m")
		:gsub("%[/i]", "\27[23m")

	printh(s .. "\27[0m")

function error(msg)
	pretty_printh("[fg=1][b][ERROR][/b][/fg]: " .. msg)

function warn(msg)
	pretty_printh("[fg=3][b][WARNING][/b][/fg]: " .. msg)

function info(msg)
	pretty_printh("[fg=4][b][INFO][/b][/fg]: " .. msg)

Here’s the code that I used to get the example in the screenshot:

function left_pad(s, ch, len)
	while #s < len do
		s = ch .. s

	return s

function _init()
	pretty_printh("[fg=6][b][u]Pretty Printh Demo[/u][/b][/fg]")

	for i = 0, 15, 4 do
		str = string.format(
			"[fg=%d]color %s[/fg]\t[fg=%d]color %s[/fg]\t[fg=%d]color %s[/fg]\t[fg=%d]color %s[/fg]",
			i, left_pad(tostr(i), "0", 2),
			i + 1, left_pad(tostr(i + 1), "0", 2),
			i + 2, left_pad(tostr(i + 2), "0", 2),
			i + 3, left_pad(tostr(i + 3), "0", 2)


	error("this is an error")
	warn("this is a warning")
	info("this is informative")

	pretty_printh("this is a line with [b]bold[/b], [i]italics[/i], and [u]underlines[/u]")

	pretty_printh("[bg=#ffffff][fg=#241f31]this is a line with hex colors[/fg][/bg]")

This post was originally posted on the Picotron BBS. The code for pretty_printh can also be found at this gist.