A picture of Penny from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. She is a girl with glasses and red and blue hair. Arnaught A rainbow tilted to the right.

Cohost Archive

October 11, 2024 | Tags: personal

I’ve made an archive of my Cohost posts. At the time I was doing this, Cohost didn’t have data exports available yet, so I made the archive manually with Cohost Web Component, which lets you export a Cohost post as a web component, which can then be added to a webpage. This is a little tedious, but I only ever made 26 posts on Cohost, so it wasn’t a big deal.

All of the posts more or less look as they should. Some of them are slightly broken, though. This post has the images slightly cut off, which didn’t happen on the original site. This post originally had MathML with the LATEX logo, but it looks broken. Something must’ve change in MathML support, because it looked OK when I originally posted it. (It looks less broken on the actual Cohost site, but less bad than in the archive.)

The 'games i played recently' post, as it appears on Cohost.
The 'games i played recently' post, as it appears on Cohost.
The 'games i played recently' post, as it appears on the archive. The images are slightly cut off.
The 'games i played recently' post, as it appears on the archive. The images are slightly cut off.

To get permalinking to work, I changed added an id tag with the post ID to the <cohost-post> component, as well as changing the originalurl property to the post ID. This means that the posts no longer link to their original Cohost counterparts, but that won’t matter once Cohost goes offline. I used a vim macro to do this change.

My Cohost archive is available here: /cohost