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Webmentions Test

April 3, 2024 | Tags: programming

This page is a test of webmentions.

Edit: It works! It was actually pretty easy to set up.

Basically, I set up an account on Once that was linked, I used the Jekyll plugin to add webmentions to my site. I’m also using to gather replys from my mastodon account (you can add a comment by replying to this post).

I’ve only set this up for this one post so far, so you can’t do webmentions on any of my other blog posts. I’ll definitely need to restyle the comment section if I want to use this.

Edit 2: I’ve added some styles.

Update 2024-08-24 #

I’ve disabled webmentions. It was a little messy to get set up, and I don’t think I post often enough to justify it. Here’s what it looked like when it was live:

A screenshot of some webmentions beneath this blog post, showing replies and boosts.
A screenshot of some webmentions beneath this blog post, showing replies and boosts.